Purpose: To establish state and local tax policy recommendations in conjunction with the Governmental Relations Advisory Council and as necessary, create task forces to carry out activities.
1. Consulting with the Governmental Relations Advisory Council, sections, and the Society staff concerning
tax legislative priorities and tax policy issues; and recommend strategic objectives.
2. Assisting in interaction with approved legislative and special interest bodies to assure that the
Society's views on proposed legislation or broader matters of tax policy are properly considered.
3. Recommending significant tax policy issues for study, research and development of appropriate
Society positions.
4. Participating in the research and preparation of position papers, studies or analyses on important and
emerging tax policy subjects and ensure that current studies are updated and relevant.
5. Identifying policy areas in which the Society can best serve its members with new or revised
processes, CPE courses or practice aids, specifically with respect to matters affecting legislation or
policy issues.
Composition: Approximately 3-4 in-person meetings and 2 conference calls (dependent upon volume of issues). Provide input into the overall tax policy position of Ohio, increasing OSCPA relevance and member value.
Develop relationships with peers who have similar interests as well as legislators and regulators who are charged with crafting and implementing tax policy.
Recommended for: Committee members should collectively possess expertise in state and local tax matters. In addition, a high level of understanding of the legislative and regulatory process is needed to represent the interests of Ohio sbf111胜博发, business and individual taxpayers to ensure our state and local tax system is simple, predictable and fair.